ShedSafe Accredited
ShedSafe is the industry benchmark for Australian manufactured steel sheds. It is a third part accreditation program intended to assist buyers to be able to have confidence in the engineering, steel products and site specification of the steel shed they are purchasing.
The last decade has seen some extreme wind events in North Queensland destroying sheds and other structures in their path. Site inspections carried out on storm affected regions by teams from the James Cook University show many failed structures are not correctly designed to the Building Code of Australia
ShedSafe accreditation is your assurance as a buyer that your will be supplied with a shed using accredited engineering and at an appropriate specification to suit your site.
ShedSafe is managed by the Austrlaian Steel Institute, Australia’s peak steel industry body. For more information visit ShedSafe at
Housing Industry Australia (HIA)
Shedquarters enjoys Silver membership of the Housing Industry Australia. All HIA members agree to be bound by the HIA National Code of Ethics developed to promote the highest standards of work and conduct by members within the community.
Under the National Code of Ethics, HIA members shall conduct their business to provide products and services with competence, fairness, value, honesty and integrity.
Any consumer or HIA member who believes they have a complaint against a HIA member in connection with their conduct can apply in writing to HIA asking that the matter be dealt with under the National Code of Ethics.
HIA also provide technical support, training, and business and industry information to members ensuring that they are kept up to date on rules and regulations which in turn ensures that our clients are getting accurate and up to date advice and information.
Shedquarters are ShedSafe Accredited & Members of the HIA